The bitcoin and open blockchain community is drowning in corporate propaganda. Objective, independent and strong voices that are not beholden to promoting special interests can make a huge difference in the narrative.
To reach a global audience, I rely on a team of people who work on video editing, audio editing, production, project management, logistics, educational initiatives, social media outreach, legal, accounting and more. My team’s work is funded almost entirely by monthly subscriptions.
If you share this vision, and can afford to support it, then please support me with a monthly subscription.
Support me with a monthly subscription
The best way to support me is by with a monthly subscription.
Monthly donations, even as little as $1, from hundreds of patrons provide me and my team a stable monthly income that gives us the financial security to focus on community work and expanding the reach of bitcoin and open blockchain education.
Starting at $1 a month
subscribers get
Early access to videos
Behind the scenes
Discounted tickets
Previews of new projects
Monthly live Q&A
Community chat on Telegram and Discord
While a monthly recurring donation is the best way to support me, I also accept gifts in bitcoin or other crypto-currencies.
For these gifts, you will receive NOTHING in return.
I expect to use these funds in a variety of ways including:
To give bitcoin to new users, helping them experience the currency
To pay for travel and accommodation for conferences and meetups
To contribute to open source bitcoin projects that support the community